The Waltons
The Walton family are currently working at Village of Hope - Malawi, a ministry to orphaned and vulnerable children.
Village of Hope provides education through its school, healthcare through local hospitals, nutrition through its feeding program and shelter through its childrens homes to at risk children. Jef and Renatta Walton serve faithfully as the National Director and Village Administrator of Village of Hope.
Learn more about the Waltons at
The Wrights
John and Julie Wright serve as humanitarian aid workers in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. You can follow along with their work at
ERDO (Emergency Relief and Development Overseas) is the humanitarian arm of the PAOC. They respond to the practical needs of people living with poverty or crisis around the world by listening, caring and partnering. Our women’s group, Sisterhood, sponsors a child through ERDO’s ChildCARE Plus.